Platform API
Integration API
Launching games
General information about integration.
- The Platform - we are.
- The Partner - an external platform that wants to connect to the Platform. It can be represented by a game aggregator or an independent website performing integration directly.
- The Administrate panel - In the personal cabinet additional information on connection to the Platform is available, as well as other settings that can be influenced by the Partner. The set of functions is agreed individually for each Partner.
- The Partner Identifier is a numeric-letter sequence of characters. Only lower case Latin letters can be used as letters. ([a-z][a-z0-9]{2,12}).
- The Secret key - used to sign requests where necessary.
- Partner Login and Partner Password - used for access to the Administrate panel.
- A Player is the person who runs the game.
Connection of the Partner to the Platform.
Preliminary Steps:
- Each Partner is assigned a Partner Identifier, which is agreed with our manager before connecting to the Platform.
- Each Partner receives a login (not necessarily the same as the Partner's Identifier) and a password (not a Secret Key) to the Administrate panel .
- The Secret key can be set by the Partner independently at any time in the Administrate panel.
Practical Steps: