The game server uses this api to communicate with the partner's server. The game server executes a specified set of requests (currently it is 4 methods) to the partner's server. The partner needs to implement the processing of these requests and give the corresponding responses.****


API.URI - don't forget to inform the manager of the address where you will handle requests.


  1. The Platform executes all requests to APIs in POST(HTTP) format
  2. The request URI is forming according to the scheme API.URI + '/' + serviceName + '.' + methodName
  3. In the body of the request (http body) a string in JSON format is passed (object)
  4. All requests will be signed using the Secret Key (unless otherwise specified for a particular method).


  1. The Partner must provide all responses in JSON format.

          "status" : 200,
          "method" : "service.method",
          "response" : ...response entity as json...

Error processing

General Information: