Mobule.API - ask your manager
Mobule.API + '/' + serviceName + '.' + methodName
must be excluded from signmeta.
.All responses from Mobule are in JSON.
"status" : 200,
"method" : "service.method",
"response" : ...response entity as json...
Format of error response:
"status" : "int != 200",
"method" : "service.method",
"message" : "Error message"
- Partner alias you got from manager
and meta.
, participate in the formation of the signature.Form a set of parameters in any convenient way.
Take a list of names of all parameters that participate in the request.
Filter the list of names. Keep only those names that do NOT start with partner.
and meta.
Sorting in lexicographical order.
Full algorithm for signature generation (pseudo code):
val params = Map[Name,Value]
val joined = names
.filter( name => name.startsWith("partner.") == false && name.startsWith("meta.") == false)
.map( name => name + "=" + params(name))
// Соединительная частица "&" между 'joined' и 'serviceName' проставляется в любом случае, даже при отсутствии параметров.
val sign = md5(joined + "&" + serviceName + "." + methodName + "&" + "Идентификатор Партнера" + "&" + "Секретный ключ")